UFRGS (inglês) 2010

Posted by Henrique I. Weizenmann on 16:15 in
1    Baby boomers won't let go of the Woodstock Festival. Why should we? It's one 2of the few defining events of the late 1960s that had a clear happy ending.
3    On Aug. 15 to 17, 1969, hundreds of thousands of people, me among them, 4gathered in a lovely natural amphitheater in Bethel (not Woodstock), N. Y. We 5listened to some of the best rock musicians of the era, endured rain and mud 6and exhaustion and hunger pangs, felt like a giant community and dispersed, all 7without catastrophe.
8    A year after the riot at the Democratic convention in Chicago, expectations ... 9large gatherings of young people were so low that this was considered a 10surprise.
11    "Notwithstanding their personality, their dress an their ideas, they were and 12they are the most courterous, considerate an well-behaved group of kids I have 13ever been in contact ... in my 24 years of police work", said Lou Yank, the chief 14of police in nearby Monticello.
15    Yet for all the benign memories, Woodstockalso set in motion other, more 16crass impulses. While its immediate aftermath was amazement and relief, the 17festival's full legacy had as much to do with excess as with idealism. It was as 18much an endpoint as a beginning, a holiday of naïvaté and dumb luck ... the 19realities of capitalism resumed. Woodstock's young, left-of-center crowd - nice 20kids, including students, artists, workers and politicians, as well the hippies - 21was quickly recognized as a potential army of consumers that mainstream 22merchants would not underestimate again. Ther was more to sell them than 23rolling papers and LPs.

1) Select the alternative which correctly completes the blanks in lines  8, 13 and 18:

A) of - through - before
B) about - at - after
C) of - with - around
D) from - through - after
E) about - with - before

Resposta: E
of, about e from servem = sobre (contextualizado).
through = pelo
with = com
at = em
before = antes
after = depois
around = pelo

2) The pronoun we (l. 1) refers to:

A) the author and his critics.
B) the readers and other journalists.
C) the author and the other baby boomers.
D) the author and the newspaper's editor.
E) the readers and the critics.

Resposta: C

1º we = nós, o autor está no meio.
2º nós quem, o autor e?
3º pronomes substituem substantivos para evitar repeti-los, logo você fica com Baby boomers, que já foi citado e é retomado.

Baby boomers = geração pós-guerra (2ª Guerra Mundial).

Woostock Festival = para comemorar a paz.

3) Accoding to the text, John Pareles believes it is not possible to forget the Woodstock Festival because:
A) it was an event that defined a generation and had a positive result.
B) the disorder and violence were extreme.
C) the end result was disastrous and continued for a long time.
D) it marked the beginning of a series of concerts afterwards.
E) the discomfort endured by those who attended the festival was impossible to forget.

Resposta: A
A) linhas 1 e 2.
B) linha 2 nega, final feliz.
C) linhas 2 + 11 à 13.
D) linha 3 específica as datas.
E) não fala em desconforto no texto.

4) Consider the statements below.

I - The expectation was that the festival would occur in an orderly and pacific fashion.

II - The Democratic convention in Chicago took place with considerable disturbance.

III - The chief of police in Monticello had a good impression of the festival participants.

Which are correct, according to the text?
A) Only I.
B) Only III.
C) Only I and II.
D) Only I and III.
E) Only II and III.

 Resposta: E

I - linha 1 e 2, terminou, não que se esperasse.

II - linhas 8 - 9.

III - linhas 11 - 13.

5) According to the text, after the end of Woodstock, the local merchants reconized its participants as
A) future successful politicians.
B) potential clients.
C) promising business leaders.
D) future seccessful musicians.
E) potential artists.

Resposta: B
linhas 19-22.

6) Which of the phrases below present the same structure as rock musicians (l. 5) and hunger pangs (l. 6):
A) clear ending.
B) benign memories.
C) immediate aftermath.
D) baby boomers.
E) crass impulses.

A estrutura é substantivo mais adjetivo, sendo este um substantivo com valor de (hunger é aquele que está faminto).
A) Ending = verbo.
B) adjetivo mais verbo.
C) ordem inversa

E) crass = verbo com valor de adjetivo e impulses = substantivo.
7) The verbs endured (l.5), dispersed (l. 6) and resumed (l. 19) can be replaced, respectively, without any change in meaning, by:

A) tolerated, cleared out and concluded.
B) put up with, scattered and restarted.
C) put up with, assembled and concluded.
D) stood, assembled and restarted.
E) tolerated, scattered and discontinued.

Resposta: B
(traduções aproximadas, no contexto podem mudar)

tolerated = tolerou
cleared out = esclarecer
concluded = concluso
put up with = se erguer com (no caso, ficar erguido, de pé com)
scattered = espalhado
restarted= reiniciado

A frase, traduzida, fica mais ou menos assim: um feriado para ingenuidade e festa ante de recomeçar as realidades do capitalismo. resumed não é de resumo, mas de continuar.

stood = ficou
assembled = organizado
discontinued =  descontinuado

Gostei desta questão, em pessoal.

8) The word Notwithstanding (l. 11) can be replaced, without any change in meaning by:
A) In spite of.
B) As a result.
C) Because of.
D) In any case.
E) In addition to.

A) Não obstante.
B) Como resultado.
C) Por causa de.
D) Em todo caso.
E) Em adição a.

Resposta: A
Ele diz como o festival foi e põe: não obstante, os participantes deste ano foram os mais educados...

9) The word Yet (l. 15) is used in the text to express
A) addition.
B) cause.
C) contrast.
D) emphasis.
E) condition.

Resposta: C
Contraste com o parágrafo anterior.


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