PUC (inglês) 2011 - 2
Posted by Henrique I. Weizenmann
01"The idea that Swedish economy is headed for a crash is nonsense." Blomkvist 02said.
03"You have to distinguish between two things - the Swedish economy and the 04Swedish stock market. The Swedish economy is the sum of all the goods and 05services that are produced in this country every day. There are telephones from 06Eric, cars from Volvo, chickens form Scan, and shipments from kiruna to 07Svövke. That's the Swedish economy, and it's just as strong or weak today as it 08was a weak ago."
09He paused for effect and took a sip of water.
10"The Stock Exchange is something very different. There is no economy and no 11prodution of goods and services. There are only fantasies in which people from 12one hour to the next decide thar this or that company is worth so many billions, 13more or less. It doesn't have a thing to do with reality or with the Swedish 14economy."
15"So you're saying that it doesn't matter if the Stock Exchange dorps like a 16rock?"
1) Text
A) deals with a economical situation.
B) identifies all that Swedish companies produce.
C) clarifies the meaning of terms in Economics.
D) advises citizens to make investments.
E) describe the exact financial situation of Sweden.
Resposta: C.
B, D e E são fáceis de eliminar.
A fala uma afirmação errada, mas que parece certa. Afinal, o texto esclarece sobre termos de Economia, mas não lida com uma situação econômica, mas de um diálogo sobre tal.
2) The expression "to be headed for", as used in line 01, is semanticaly related to
A) meetinf a deadline.
B) organize things.
C) leading something.
D) being at the top.
E) moving forward.
Resposta: E
Denota "segue para alguma lugar".
3) The dictionary definition for the term "stock" (line 04) that best fits its use in the text is
A) a supply of goods that is available for sale.
B) the value shares.
C) farm animals that are kept for their meat, wool, etc.
D) the type of family or ancestors.
E) the degree to which something is respected.
Resposta: B.
C, D e E são fáceis de eliminar, não há menção ao enunciado delas.
No último parágrafo, ele fala de queda. Se fossem bens, não haveria queda de bens, logo, é queda de valores.
4) Pela expressão "it's just as strong or weak today as it was a week ago" (lines 07-08) entende-se que a economia da Suécia
A) está tão forte hoje como na semana passada.
B) está mais fraca do que estava na semana passada.
C) apresenta uma variação significativa, semana após semana.
D) depende das oscilações das ações.
E) aposta tanto na fraqueza como na força do seu mercado.
Resposta: A.
A alternativa E engana, mas a A ainda é melhor que ela.
5) From the caracter's explanation, the mos probable answer to the question in lines 15-16 is:
A) No, tha's really important.
B) Yes, Stock Exchange rates vary.
C) No, the dropping of exchange rates could make a difference.
D) Yes, the economy depends on it.
E) Definitely not.
Resposta: E
Parece sem sentido, mas analise que ele falou com jeito (termos) de confiança. Além disso, apesar de a resposta mais provável realmente não ser esta, é o que se espero pelo que foi dito, ou se deveria esperar.
03"You have to distinguish between two things - the Swedish economy and the 04Swedish stock market. The Swedish economy is the sum of all the goods and 05services that are produced in this country every day. There are telephones from 06Eric, cars from Volvo, chickens form Scan, and shipments from kiruna to 07Svövke. That's the Swedish economy, and it's just as strong or weak today as it 08was a weak ago."
09He paused for effect and took a sip of water.
10"The Stock Exchange is something very different. There is no economy and no 11prodution of goods and services. There are only fantasies in which people from 12one hour to the next decide thar this or that company is worth so many billions, 13more or less. It doesn't have a thing to do with reality or with the Swedish 14economy."
15"So you're saying that it doesn't matter if the Stock Exchange dorps like a 16rock?"
1) Text
A) deals with a economical situation.
B) identifies all that Swedish companies produce.
C) clarifies the meaning of terms in Economics.
D) advises citizens to make investments.
E) describe the exact financial situation of Sweden.
Resposta: C.
B, D e E são fáceis de eliminar.
A fala uma afirmação errada, mas que parece certa. Afinal, o texto esclarece sobre termos de Economia, mas não lida com uma situação econômica, mas de um diálogo sobre tal.
2) The expression "to be headed for", as used in line 01, is semanticaly related to
A) meetinf a deadline.
B) organize things.
C) leading something.
D) being at the top.
E) moving forward.
Resposta: E
Denota "segue para alguma lugar".
3) The dictionary definition for the term "stock" (line 04) that best fits its use in the text is
A) a supply of goods that is available for sale.
B) the value shares.
C) farm animals that are kept for their meat, wool, etc.
D) the type of family or ancestors.
E) the degree to which something is respected.
Resposta: B.
C, D e E são fáceis de eliminar, não há menção ao enunciado delas.
No último parágrafo, ele fala de queda. Se fossem bens, não haveria queda de bens, logo, é queda de valores.
4) Pela expressão "it's just as strong or weak today as it was a week ago" (lines 07-08) entende-se que a economia da Suécia
A) está tão forte hoje como na semana passada.
B) está mais fraca do que estava na semana passada.
C) apresenta uma variação significativa, semana após semana.
D) depende das oscilações das ações.
E) aposta tanto na fraqueza como na força do seu mercado.
Resposta: A.
A alternativa E engana, mas a A ainda é melhor que ela.
5) From the caracter's explanation, the mos probable answer to the question in lines 15-16 is:
A) No, tha's really important.
B) Yes, Stock Exchange rates vary.
C) No, the dropping of exchange rates could make a difference.
D) Yes, the economy depends on it.
E) Definitely not.
Resposta: E
Parece sem sentido, mas analise que ele falou com jeito (termos) de confiança. Além disso, apesar de a resposta mais provável realmente não ser esta, é o que se espero pelo que foi dito, ou se deveria esperar.
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